Friday, June 19, 2009


Had an early lunch today and surfed fb for a while. feeling bored, i clicked on ying jie's profile and the first thing i saw was her brother's note <好校长>. the first few lines mentioned DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL and thus, interested, i took a look. wow. 16 ppl alr like this note since posted at 1129 am today. its one and a half hr ago.

The content of his note was based on this report:



  华人常说:“不怕不识货,只 怕货比货。”西方人又说:“要橙和橙比,苹果和苹果比,不能橙和苹果比。”做新加坡人最好,东西文化交融兼备;做记者更好,有无数人可以比,有无数校长可 以比。而且,因为长期在教育线,“路遥知马力,日久见人心”,我可以有很长的时间去看一位校长,凡我认为是好校长的,一般不会看走眼。因为,他们是经过无 数比较后,而且是同类比较,被证明是最好的。




   杜辉生是率领华侨中学从上世纪七十年代的风雨飘摇到九十年代能与莱佛士书院平起平坐的英雄。他对一代华校生把自己不如意的日子,归咎于华文的态度,不敢 苟同。他说:“我们要感恩。如果今天办得火火红红的特选学校,没有当年那个局势,那样的处境,如果一切都是一帆风顺的话,我们没有今天。”



 他说:“北京奥运会前,我去中国,看到一个很大的广告牌。画面是一个非洲籍的短跑选手,上面写着英文标语。我对这个广告标语为什么用英文写,感到奇怪。 在中国看到的英文广告,通常错别字蛮多,但是那个没有。那个广告标语说“The person to beat is not the one in front but the one inside.”“要超越的人不在前面,而是在里面”。这正是德明办学的理念。如果有一天,我们真的超越华中,那是我们努力的结果,但不是我们努力的目 的。”



Not bad eh! im long knew Mr Sng was a outstanding individual. PSC scholar studied at cambridge. Principal @ age of abt 36 - 37. but these words were really good. i sincerely hopes and believes he means it. if everyone in the sch were to have such thoughts, dhs would be an even better home for all.

Not that i dont feel at home to dunman.

I admit i felt the sch spirit better than in hwa chong than in dunman high. plus the fact that i was a councillor perhaps. during my stay in hc, albeit only two yrs, i loved the sch a lot, the atmosphere, the ppl, the place itself, esp the class benches and the sch events. there was much more fun than in dhs, due to the higher flexibility and lower level of "discipline".

But, looking back now, it feels that dunman high is actually more 亲切, more 温馨. there is just a very special feel to the place. a feeling of home, which is not as strong or even absent at times in hc. Thus, i conclude that dunman high has been a home for all dunmanians. for example, when there was this homecoming in the first day of sch 2009, ppl flooded back and i could see many photos floating ard on fb. much more ppl frm dhs would seem more interested in sch happenings than hci ppl, from my perspective. Which is what i define as a successful attempt to build a strong relationship with the students.

I feel warm and glad that there is such a trend.


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